Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not Losing Weight--HELP!

Dear Charlotte,

I have been suffering from weight problems all my life. I go on these huge diets, but don’t seem to lose weight… or if I do lose weight, it comes right back on. I have been trying to research this (I have read just about every diet book out there!) and have been reading recently that by restricting my food intake I am really slowing my metabolism—making it harder to lose weight. Is this true? Am I really going about this the wrong way?

Cheryl S.

Dear Cheryl ,

Hi – first off… diets don’t work. And starvation diets especially don’t work! If you deny your body the calories it needs to function, your metabolism will slow. Your body will start slowing down do that it conserves what it does have. The trick is to keep your energy level consistent with a steady intake of calories. This will keep you moving and potentially burning those calories. Eat smaller meals when you are hungry, and eat what you are hungry for. If you listen to your body, it will tell you what no book can. Your body knows the kinds of foods it needs and how much to eat.

Life-long weight problems are always symptomatic of a larger issue and I think this is something worth investigating--I really want to help you.

Please give me a call at 800.496.7710—or email me at charlotte@secretsofslimpeople.com, and we can figure out what the root cause is, as well as develop a plan that will give you success you are seeking.

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Upcoming Wedding--Need to Lose Weight!

Dear Charlotte,

I'm getting married soon and I need to lose weight quickly! I have been exercising for weeks and can't even lose 1 pound. What am I doing wrong?

Michelle C.

Dear Michelle,

I highly recommend losing weight slowly and correctly. If you go on a “crash” diet, you will just yo-yo back—maybe even before the ceremony. This is a stressful time, and you need to be at your best, and that means eating properly and getting plenty of rest. In terms of your diet, try and eat several small and nutritious meals throughout the day. These small meals will keep you going and stop you from snacking—and you will feel better too. It is also important to keep a food journal. Track what you eat and how you feel. Remember to eat only when you are hungry and don’t over-eat. When you are full—stop.

You may find by just doing this you will start to shed pounds, but I guarantee you, that if you follow these simple steps you will begin to feel better about yourself and your body.

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and feel free to give me a call at 800.496.7710—or email me at charlotte@secretsofslimpeople.com.

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What is My Ideal Weight?

Dear Charlotte,

I am a 33 year old woman who is about 5’5” tall. How much should I weigh for my height?

Maggie M.

Dear Maggie,

There is no ideal or specific weight that you should be for your height. There are standards and measurements, but these do not take into account you—and all that that means.

What really matters is how you feel at the weight you are. Focus on fueling your body with food that makes you feel healthy and contented. Think about whether you are hungry before you eat, and how you feel after you eat. Don’t worry about the scale—the number will be right when you are ready to have a healthy relationship with food.

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Addicted to Food

Dear Charlotte,

I have been addicted to food all my life. Food became my comforter, and has been a long time. Now, because of the weight I can hardly walk, and my muscles and joints ache. Yet even though I am in pain and can hardly breathe and I am more addicted to food than ever. I can no longer work and the doctor’s I have see just tell me I need to eat less and exercise—which I know, and yet this is the hardest thing to do. Is there any help for me?

Janice, South Carolina

Dear Janice,

You are clearly suffering from emotional eating—which is such a deeply engrained habit that it can be hard to break—but it can be done. The first step is to work through the reasons you use food to comfort you. You will have to be willing to open yourself up, but the rewards are remarkable, Please give me a call so that we can get started together as soon as possible.

My number is 800.496.7710 or email
charlotte@secretsofslimpeople.com, and we can discuss your situation and take the next steps.

You may visit my website at

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach
Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Become The Real You is a process is for anyone who:
--Is tired of yo-yo dieting
--Wants to return to their natural shape
--Wants to come to peace with food and their body
--Wants to lose weight permanently
--Wants freedom from food obsession
Contact Charlotte today to learn more at 800.496.7710.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Weight Loss: Hitting a Plateau

Dear Charlotte,

I started walking 2 miles a day and limiting my calorie intake to about 1500 a day. After a month, I had lost about 8 pounds and I felt great. Then during the next two weeks I upped my walking to 4-5 miles a day and same calorie intake. But nothing has changed. I weigh the same and all my measurements are the same. What is the problem? What am I missing?

Amanda S.

Dear Amanda,

Congratulations on your recent weight loss. My initial feeling is that perhaps the calorie intake is too low for you though. Your body may need more calories – and energy to run optimally and by restricting yourself, even with the extra exercise, you may be suffering from a lowered metabolism.

This is just a guess, based on the little you have told me, but it is something to consider. I would ask: “are you hungry?” and “how does your body feel?” Addition more, healthy meals may not only fuel your additional exercise, but aid your metabolism and help you lose that weight.

I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you if you are interested in discussing a coaching relationship. I have many clients like you that have come to an block in their weight loss goals and this happens for a variety of reasons that you may not even be aware of.

Please call me at 800.496.7710 or email charlotte@secretsofslimpeople.com, and we can discuss your situation and take the next steps.

You may visit my website at http://www.secretsofslimpeople.com.

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Losing that last 5 pounds

Dear Charlotte,

I have been trying to lose “that last” 5 pounds for a while now. I know I need to cut down on junk food and exercise more, which I have been doing but can't seem to lose it. I am clearly doing something wrong. Can you tell me how many calories I should be eating, or help me with a meal-plan?

Cathy M.

Dear Cathy,

My first question would be “why do you think you need to lose 5 lbs?” Too often I think we get caught up in the number. Do you feel good? Are you eating when you are hungry? I cannot help you with a meal plan, or the amount of calories you should be eating. These are very superficial things. You need to think about why you eat, and the best way to do this is to start a food journal.

Log not only what you eat and when, but how you feel before and after. Are you eating when you are hungry? Are you contented when you are done, or are you over-full? When you start to realize why you eat, and start listening to your body, you will lose that “last 5 pounds” if your body is meant to lose them.

Please call me at 800.496.7710 or email charlotte@secretsofslimpeople.com, and we can discuss what roadblocks you have to achieving your goals.

You may visit my website at http://www.secretsofslimpeople.com.

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"I still look pregnant!"

Dear Charlotte,

I had a baby a while ago and it still looks like I'm pregnant. What should I do first to lose this belly fat? I also want to know what should I eat and how many times a day I should eat.

Tonya, S.

Dear Tonya,

it can take over a year for you to lose “the belly” after a baby, and it gets harder after each one—but it isn’t impossible. I suspect that if we looked at your eating habits, exercise and the amount or sleep you get, we would find out a lot about why you are not able to lose this weight. Having a baby puts a lot of stress on a couple and we often compensate by eating—whenever and whatever, without much regard for what we really want or need.

I recommend eating several smaller meals throughout the day when you feel hungry. Do not over-eat. Make sure to get as much rest as you can, and spend time getting exercise too...even if that is walking around the neighborhood with the baby.

Please call me at 800.496.7710 or email charlotte@secretsofslimpeople.com, and we can put together a plan for you to work towards your goals.

You may visit my website at http://www.secretsofslimpeople.com.

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yo Yo Dieting

Dear Charlotte,

I am 29 yrs old and I have been yo yo dieting a lot. It usually happens because I work a lot and go to school and also have 2 small children. I will often eat off schedule and miss my work outs. I weigh 135 (I am 5'5”) but it always seems to stop there. My goal is to not lose too much weight, but to tone and eat healthy. I am just not happy with how I look, but I always find a reason not to eat right and exercise when I should.

Samantha R.

Dear Samantha,

Yo-yo dieting is all-too-common and more proof that diets don’t work. You need to stop trying to focus on a particular diet and listen to your body. Do you eat when you are hungry? How does the food make you feel? Answering these questions will be the first step for you in making a life-long change. If you are yo-yo dieting, you are probably not losing “fat” but water and muscle-mass…which is why you find that you are not as toned as you would like. If you continue to get regular exercise, and eat when your body tells you it is hungry (and stop when you are full), you will have a healthier relationship with food, and a healthier body to show for it.

Start by creating a food journal and write down everything you eat for a week—including how you feel before and after you eat.

I look forward to talking to you more about this and perhaps doing some one-on-one coaching over the phone to get you to your goal.

Please call me at 800.496.7710 or email charlotte@secretsofslimpeople.com. You may visit my website at http://www.secretsofslimpeople.com.

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

Become the Real You