Thursday, October 9, 2008

"I still look pregnant!"

Dear Charlotte,

I had a baby a while ago and it still looks like I'm pregnant. What should I do first to lose this belly fat? I also want to know what should I eat and how many times a day I should eat.

Tonya, S.

Dear Tonya,

it can take over a year for you to lose “the belly” after a baby, and it gets harder after each one—but it isn’t impossible. I suspect that if we looked at your eating habits, exercise and the amount or sleep you get, we would find out a lot about why you are not able to lose this weight. Having a baby puts a lot of stress on a couple and we often compensate by eating—whenever and whatever, without much regard for what we really want or need.

I recommend eating several smaller meals throughout the day when you feel hungry. Do not over-eat. Make sure to get as much rest as you can, and spend time getting exercise too...even if that is walking around the neighborhood with the baby.

Please call me at 800.496.7710 or email, and we can put together a plan for you to work towards your goals.

You may visit my website at

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

Become The Real You will instruct you on how to listen to your own body. How to eat whatever you want to achieve and maintain your perfect body weight! No more diets, no drugs, no counting calories. It’s simple...and it works!

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