Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Quitting smoking and weight gain

Dear Charlotte,

I have been trying to quit smoking for the last 5 years. In fact, I have quit several times, but I always start up again, and one of the reasons is because when I am not smoking I feel hungrier, eat more and then gain weight. What can I do so that I can quit smoking, but not put on a bunch of weight?


Dear Sally,

Many people transfer the addiction of smoking to eating. Eating for emotional reasons. What I teach is not a weight loss program. It is not the weight that is your problem. It is what is eating you. When you learn to make peace with food and accept yourself as you are right now, that is when you will melt down to your ideal weight. I’d love to help you strategize stopping smoking Sally.

Please call me at 800.496.7710 or email
You may visit my website at

Charlotte Smith
Eating Consultant and Life Coach

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